Colorless: Urine that is colorless and looks like water is a sign that you're overhydrated. (Yep, that's a real thing.) Too much water in your system dilutes the body's delicate balance of water, sodium and electrolytes. Pale to Medium Yellow: Clear pale to medium yellow urine is normal and indicated that you are adequately hydrated. Dark Yellow to Amber: Urine that is dark yellow to amber indicates that you are dehydrated. Brown: Urine that is any shade of brown or dark orange indicated that you are severely dehydrated. You may want to seek medical attention. How much water do you need? Each person is different that is why the colour of your urine is an easy way to gauge where you are. In general, the National Academy of Medicine suggests men drink 13 cups (104 oz) and women drink 9 cups (72 oz).
What is your Urine Color Telling you about Hydration