”Mind blowing, amazing! ZERO jet lag. Not even one dodgy hour. It is utterly remarkable!”

Katie Tillard

”My San Francisco-Taipei flights are now much easier”

Royce Hong

”I avoided the ”hang over” feeling on my return flight from Copenhagen to Seoul!”

Måns Boll, Lomma, Sweden

”Feeling refreshed and rehydrated, it was wonderful!”

Lyad Duwaji

Very impressed with Uppy. This was a repeat purchase as, after being very sceptical initially, I have found more than once that Uppy can quickly boost my recovery after physical exercise or long hours of work like nothing else I’ve tried. Whenever I feel exhausted, I now have a product that I know will work.

Terence D.

Uppy! kept me optimally hydrated and balanced for the altitude and ascents of Tour du Mt. Blanc. Uppy! made the trek more enjoyable.

Althea Lee
  • Travel


    • Travelers often grapple with depleting water levels in their bodies.
    • Provides the energy boost needed to sustain your adventures

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  • Work


    • Hydration is crucial for foucs and efficiency.
    • Perils of dehydration, which can manifest as fatigue, headaches, anxiety, and reduced concentration

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  • Play


    • Dehydration can lead to decreased energy levels, muscle cramps, and impaired cognitive function, all of which can hinder your ability to perform at your best.

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Life is a Journey, Best Lived Fully Hydrated

Jet lag and travel fatigue recovery

Water-multiplier (3x faster than water alone)

5 Key Electrolytes: Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Chloride

Immune Boosting Ingredients: Vitamin C, D3, B12, + Ginger

Easy to Use: Simply dissolve 1 tablet for every 4oz (120 ml) of water. Designed to easily fit in your pocket or bag.

Available With or Without Caffeine: Caffeinated version has 50 mg of caffeine per tablet to give you an extra boost

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